What are the Benefits of Standing Desk Contuo

What are the Benefits of Standing Desk Contuo

The health consequences of sedentary behavior, including working while seated for prolonged periods, are well known and devastating. So, more and more adults choosing China Standing Desk , in this article show you benefits of using standing desk:

This is not a fashion or a trend. Be sure, the standing conference tables are here to stay. They offer tons of ergonomic and non-ergonomic benefits for both employees and employers. Here are the main reasons why businesses worldwide say “no” to sitting-only meetings and “yes” to standing height conference tables.

It is healthier

No need to say that sitting all day round affects our bodies the same as smoking. Many scientific studies prove this. Creating ergonomic space helps prevent all the health issues connected to excessive sitting. A standing meeting table will turn your conference room into a “playground”. The conference guests will be able to stand up, move more, change posture. Such activity improves blood flow, reduces fatigue and health risks. Standing height conference tables and standing workplace desks combined give you even more. This desk combination works against carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, etc.

Besides, if you choose natural materials like bamboo or solid wood for the table board, the overall atmosphere in your office will be healthier. Furniture made of solid wood won’t be as toxic as many artificial materials. That’s for sure.

It improves interaction and brainstorming

Most people tend to be overprotective about their personal “territory”. You can see it clearly in a small conference room. Everyone tries to make kind of a border to their territory. Add here the inability to freely move within the conference room. What will be the result? You will witness many inefficient meetings. Everyone stays in their shell.

When it comes to creativity and brainstorming, it is better to be mobile. Moving means more interaction, and not only with the people sitting right next to you. Active sharing and discussing ideas is right what you expect from your office meetings, isn’t it?

Also, modern style conference tables are super comfortable. Instead of worrying about how to place their laptops or find space for their stuff, your office will feel relaxed. And a relaxed person is more creative. The standing height conference desks inspire!It saves time

Standing up meetings reduce meeting time by up to 35%! When people are standing, they tend to make shorter but more meaningful speeches. First of all, when everyone is standing, the speaker feels more attention concentrated on them. Second, when we stand for a while, we want to sit faster. This willingness makes us do everything to make the meeting as short as possible. And third, while standing, we are less likely to get distracted by messengers and more focused on the meeting. Agree, it feels awkward to send emails or chat while standing. Not to mention that it gets more obvious and noticeable.

Contuodesk Height Adjustable Desk Supplier a variety of options for today's modern office taking into consideration different options balanced with price point. There’s never been a better time to consider a sit-stand desk for your office environment. If you interested in CONTUO Desk please visit: https://www.contuodesk.com/products/standing-desk/